Are you (semi-)familiar with fflib but sometimes still feeling challenged to write constructive test methods, without copy-pasting everything? This post is more like an extensive guide, showing example code for reference, but also deep-diving into the why and how of certain lines of code.
Reparent ThirdPartyAccountLinks
Have you ever been challenged with maintaining ThirdPartyAccountLinks/TPALs? This article elaborates on how to make them writable and shares the workarounds for most common challenges, especially when re-parenting.
Display SEO Page Title in ThemeLayout
Do you want to use the Community Page Title in your Layout? This undocumented event allows you to capture it!
RecordType restricted picklist values in Flow
Ever ran into the issue Picklist values were not restricted by RecordType in Lightning Flow Screens? That’s history! This simple Component can be easily added to your environment, allowing to only show valid picklist values.
Style Distributor (PubSub & Messaging Service)
Ever wondered how PubSub and the Lightning Messaging Service work? Or curious how CSS Variables can be really applied? This article showcases a hobby project and shares a demo and repository for a reusable Style Distributor Lightning Web Component.
Community Deployment | ExperienceBundle
Challenges deploying Communities with SiteDotCom metadata type? Say no more and migrate to ExperienceBundles (GA per API 48.0)! Read about what this is and why to use it. But maybe even more important how to start leveraging this feature.
Enterprise Design Pattern (fflib)
What is the Enterprise Design Pattern; why would you apply it; where and how to start? Implementing this pattern will help you structure your code base, promote reuse of methods and allow to reduce unit test runtime thanks to Mocking.